JMM DESIGNS Pty.Ltd is a small family business owned by Martin & Cindy Etsebeth - We believe that healthy relationships are most valuable, Passion is what drives us and our mission is to survive in an ever evolving industry. With vision comes growth.
JMM Etsebeth aka Martin's passion for firearms is electrifying and his wife Cindy makes sure everything runs smoothly and efficiently - Step in at OVERBERG GUN & AMMO Gun shop and he will help you over a cup off coffee with all your firearm needs. He understands the industry and know his stuff if it comes to firearms and products, This is a full circle business - OVERBERG SHOOTING ACADEMY will help you with all your proficiency needs. GUN & AMMO sells you your fire arms and accessories, Want to go and use your firearm, Go to his range called OVERBERG SHOOTING RANGE and if this family business tics all the boxes for you, Become a member of OVERBERG SHOOTING CLUB to become more than just a client.